Conversion Rates Of Duplicate Leads, June 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Conversion Rates Of Duplicate Leads

Don’t ignore those duplicate leads, says Leads360 in a new study examining their (potentially unrealized) value. Analyzing about 100,000 leads from its customers that were flagged as potential duplicates, and comparing them to the performance of millions of others leads it managed, Leads360 found that those flagged as duplicates converted at a rate 167% higher than the average. Delving further into their analysis, the researchers show that dispositioned duplicate leads (those that are acknowledged and acted up on in some way, such as by being re-distributed, re-prioritized, or merged) convert at an even higher rate relative to the average.

Indeed, dispositioned leads emerged from the analysis with a conversion rate 181% higher than the average lead. Notably, even those duplicate leads that weren’t dispositioned converted at a rate about twice as high as the average. As the researchers note, this suggests that there is an “inherent value in duplicate leads,” although putting in the time and effort to decide how to deal with a potential duplicate appears to lead to even higher success rates. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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