Mothers’ Mobile Use By Weekday, June 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Mothers’ Mobile Use By Weekday

While mobile consumption varies little throughout the week for the average consumer, that isn’t the case for mobile mothers, details Jumptap in its latest MobileSTAT report. The Jumptap data shows that almost 40% of mothers’ weekly time spent with their mobiles is on Saturday (18.5%) and Sunday (19.3%). That spike in activity comes after a relative dip on Thursday (12.4% share) and Friday (10.5%) share, which the researchers attribute to a significant decrease in use of social and texting applications on those days.

Segmenting mothers into two groups, the report indicates that smartphone use is heavier among working mothers than stay-at-home mothers. But, the latter are 20% more likely to be on a tablet. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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