Retailers' Views Of The Future, May 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Retailers' Views Of The Future

Consumers continue to spend more and more online, as evidenced by the latest figures from comScore showing that Q1 represented the 14th consecutive quarter of year-over-year growth in retail e-commerce spending. In general, retailers feel that future retail growth will come primarily from digital channels, not stores, with 40% agreeing with that sentiment, versus 29% disagreeing, per results from a new RSR Research survey. However, top-performing retailers aren’t as convinced: just 6% “strongly agree” that digital will be the primary driver of future growth, compared to 11% of respondents on average.

These top-performers, dubbed “Winners” by the researchers, boast comparable store/channel sales growth of more than 5%. The study defines those at the 5% growth rate as “average,” and those below it as “laggards.” Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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