When Millennials First Grab Their Phones In The Morning, March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - When Millennials First Grab Their Phones In The Morning

For those who like to stay abreast of their social networks, the marriage of social and mobile gives them instant, everywhere access. And data from a March 2013 survey conducted by the International Data Corporation (IDC) on behalf of Facebook found that US smartphone users between ages 18 to 44 were taking full advantage by using the devices from the early morning until the end of day.

Smartphones have so quickly embedded themselves in the lives of their users that 62% of all respondents said they reached for their device immediately after waking up, while 79% did so within 15 minutes of rising. Those figures were even higher for the 18-to-24-year-old demographic: 74% picked up the smartphone first thing after waking up, and 89% did so within 15 minutes of rising. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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