Proximity Of Mobile Phones To Their Owners, April 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Proximity Of Mobile Phones To Their Owners

Research showing consumer addiction to mobile phones continues to filter in. Here’s another stat to add to the arsenal: according to a new study from Arbitron and Edison Research, 52% of mobile phone owners always keep their device within arm’s reach, and another 30% do so most of the time. And more Americans aged 12 and up use a cell phone (30%) than a dedicated alarm clock (22%) or clock radio (15%) to wake up in the morning.

That rises to 59% among Americans aged 18-34.

The study reveals that smartphone penetration continues to steadily rise, up from 44% of Americans aged 12 and up last year to 53% this year. (Recent comScore estimates indicate that 55% of mobile phone subscribers owned a smartphoneduring the 3-month average ending in January 2013, up from 42.7% the previous year.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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