Adobe conducted a survey this year before the COVID-19 pandemic of 1,000 consumers in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Nearly half of the respondents said personalized experiences on the websites they visit are important and less than a third thought they had a positive effect on their brand perception.
A parallel survey of more than 400 marketers in the U.S. and U.K. found that a third of organizations were already spending more than half of their budgets on personalization of digital content, with most planning to increase that share this year.
Further, people are willing to share their location information with companies but want to be in control. Just 25% said they had their location services turned on for all of their apps, but two-thirds would be willing to share where they are to be informed about events or deals.
In addition, more than half of the respondents said they opted in to receive email or text notifications. About two-thirds said they had turned on ad blocking on at least one of their Internet-connected devices. Read the rest at Adobe.
Here are the full survey results:
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