Personal Information People Are Willing To Share With Websites [TABLE]

Table: Personal Information People Are Willing To Share With Websites

While conventional marketing thinking says that customers prefer personalized marketing experiences and are willing to share more personal data to get that, new research shows that they may not.

In a survey of 1,100 US internet users, the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) found that 93% of respondents said they would be willing to share their gender with a website, but that dropped marginally to 90% if it meant the data was used to create a personalized ad experience.

Approximately 91% said they would share their race or ethnicity, but that dropped to 86% for a personalized experience.

The ARF survey also found that, in general, people were slightly less likely to share their data in 2019 than they were in 2018, when the foundation first conducted its annual privacy study.

For example, there was a 10-percentage point drop between those willing to share their home address this year (31%) and those who said they would do so last year (41%). Read the rest at eMarketer.

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