Improving B2B Vendor Content [CHART]

Chart: Improving B2B Vendor Content

Around three-quarters (73%) of B2B buyers say they have less time to devote to reading and research, per the results of a study by Demand Gen Report and ON24.

So how can vendors make content more valuable when time is limited?

Here are a few actionable points using data from the study.

Top of the list for B2B practitioners is for vendors to use more data and research in supporting their content, with two-thirds (66%) strongly agreeing that this would improve content quality.

The power of using insight in driving buyer journeys has been covered in separate research by Aberdeen Group, particularly if this was focused on new ways to solve problems or coming changes in the market. Read the rest at Marketing Charts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
