Webinar Conversion Rates [CHART]

Chart: Webinar Conversion Rates

Webinars have been proven to be a highly valuable content format, especially with B2B buyers. But how do webinars perform?

Once again this year ON24 has released its webinar benchmarks, based on an analysis of more than 22,000 webinars (with a minimum of 100 attendees) conducted on its platform in 2018. Here are some highlights from the report.

Around two-thirds (65%) of marketers say they provide up to five marketing touches per webinar session, according to a survey of ON24 members included as part of the report.

Of those touches, emails are the most effective in driving registration. Tuesdays through Thursday are the best days to send out those emails, with Wednesdays having the highest share (23%) of sign-ups, followed closely by Tuesdays and Thursdays (22% each).

Mid-week is also the best time of the week for attendance, with Thursday (28% share) being the top day for webinar attendance, followed by Wednesday (27%) and Tuesday (24%). The best time of day on average for holding a webinar is 11AM PST  / 2 PM EST. Read the rest at Marketing Charts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
