More than one-third (36%) of US consumers have performed or used visual search when shopping online, a figure that matches the percentage who have used voice search.
So finds research from Intent Lab, which also notes that 3 in 5 (59%) of consumers believe that visual information is more important than textual information when shopping online.
Reliable search is important to e-commerce. Four in 5 consumers report either often or always using search boxes when shopping online.
Furthermore, a report by Namagoo revealed that 7 in 10 believe that a great shopping experience includes easy search capabilities.
That same data also reported that more important than easy search in making consumers’ online shopping experience satisfying was clear product images (87.6%),
The amount of importance consumers put on visual information versus textual information is dependent upon the products they are shopping for.
The Intent Lab study shows that the vast majority of respondents placed a higher degree of importance on visual information than text when shopping for clothing (86%) and furniture (85%). Read the rest at Marketing Charts.
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