TV Screen Use [CHART]

Chart: TV Screen Use

While TV devices have often been seen as a form of ‘traditional’ media by marketers, the reality is that some three-quarters of US households have an internet-connected TV. So what are viewers actually using their TV screens for? Analysis by TiVo provides some insight, showing that even with new-fangled technology, viewing habits haven’t completely changed.

The television is still largely being used in the good old-fashioned way. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of adults in North America use it to watch TV shows, while close to half (45%) use their TV to watch live sports.

US teenagers reportedly spend one-third (33%) of their video time on YouTube, and the predominance of Smart TVs is also proving to be useful for adults who want to stream YouTube on a bigger screen. One-third of the adults surveyed say they use their TV to stream the service. Read the rest at Marketing Charts.

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