Social media marketing continues to prove effective for businesses, as shown in the latest survey of more than 1,800 marketing professionals from Buffer. At least that’s the view of the respondent sample, almost three-quarters (73%) of whom believe that social media marketing has been either very or somewhat effective for their businesses, particularly with regard to social media stories’ effectiveness.
As platforms such as Facebook and Twitter get well into their teenage years, that finding is likely to be seen as received wisdom. So what’s new? Social media Stories, the ephemeral format first developed by Snapchat, has been making a splash, with Buffer dubbing this as the ‘next frontier.’ Consumers are particularly receptive to hearing from brands in this format, with social media users in the US preferring to see brand content in Stories as opposed to their feed. This desire hasn’t been lost on marketers – in 2018, more than two-thirds of B2C marketers used or developed Stories.
But how effective are Stories? The stats from Buffer suggests they perform well. More than half (57.6%) of the marketers revealed that social media Stories have been somewhat or very effective as part of their social media strategy. While some 35% of marketers were uncertain of the effect stories were having, only a few (7.7%) felt that Stories were somewhat or very ineffective. Read the rest at Marketing Charts.
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