In-Demand Technical Digital Marketing Skills [CHART]

Chart: In-Demand Technical Digital Marketing Skills

Data science and analytics will be the technical skills most needed at digital ad agencies worldwide in the next two years, according to a poll by Marketing Land.

As digital ad buying becomes more automated and data-driven, marketers need to improve their data skill sets. In a survey of US marketers by Blueshift and TechValidate, 54% of respondents said one of the main roadblocks preventing them from making better use of customer data was insufficient data analysis capabilities. And an Adestra and Ascend2 poll of US marketers showed that 43% of respondents outsource their data management.

Over the past five years, 67% of marketers have significantly increased their focus on data and analysis, according to research by YouAppi and Dimensional Research. However, competition for talent is still the second-leading challenge facing agencies, according to Marketing Land’s poll. (Clients moving services in-house was cited as the top challenge.) Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
