Fortune 500 Social Media Use By Platform, 2016-2018 [TABLE]

Table: Fortune 500 Social Media Use By Platform, 2016-2018

Facebook had a tumultuous 2018. The #DeleteFacebook movement gained traction after the platform fell victim to several scandals. However, social media activists are not representative of the general population, as evidenced by Facebook’s continued audience growth.

Facebook has also gotten called into multiple congressional hearings for how it handled its user data. But advertisers aren’t pulling out. eMarketer estimates that Facebook’s US digital ad revenues will increase from $12.2 billion in 2016 to $32.6 billion by 2020.

Regardless of how many congressional hearings it gets called into, Facebook still has a large audience, and advertisers keep using its products. A September 2018 report by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Center for Marketing Research found that nearly nine in 10 US Fortune 500 companies have a public-facing Facebook page. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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