Baby Boomer Video Consumption [CHART]

Chart: Baby Boomer Video Consumption

The number of Baby Boomers watching digital video on a monthly basis might not be as high as younger generations, but the 37.7 million who will do so this year are more likely to use computers and streaming services than their smartphones.

eMarketer estimates that 51.5% of Baby Boomers in the US will watch digital video at least once per month in 2018. Though digital video viewers will shrink to 36.8 million by 2022 as the generation itself gets smaller, we expect digital video viewers will make make up 52.4% of the boomer population in the same year.

When boomers want to watch digital video, computers are more predominantly used than smartphones. In a November 2017 AARP survey, 52% of respondents ages 50 to 59 and 48% of those ages 60 to 69 said they use desktops or laptops to watch videos or shows. In comparison, only 25% of internet users ages 55 to 64 said they used smartphones to watch TV or video, according to an October 2017 survey from Morning Consult. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
