“African Americans are on the cutting edge of household device ownership.” So says Nielsen in a report, “From Consumers to Creators: The Digital Lives of Black Consumers,” which does indeed find above-average ownership of a variety of technology devices among African-American households.
African-Americans outpaced non-Hispanic Whites and the total population in ownership of each of the 9 devices identified, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and streaming devices.
Some of the larger gaps were observed for gaming consoles, owned by two-thirds (66%) of African-American households, compared to half (51%) of the total population. In fact, 73% of African-Americans ages 13 and older are gamers, and 55% of them prefer to play on a console, a higher rate than the gamer population at-large (49%). The report notes, though, that “despite the large number of African American gamers, there is a lack of diversity and diverse stories within the games themselves and within gaming developers in the industry.” Read the rest at Marketing Charts.
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