Product Category Affinity To Podcast Genres [TABLE]

Infographic: Product Category Affinity To Podcast Genres

The US podcast advertising market is on the rise, having almost doubled last year by one estimate as listeners seem open to ads. But simply throwing money at podcast audiences probably isn’t the best approach for advertisers. So advertisers take note: a Nielsen study  checks out what CPG categories podcast fans are spending on at a greater rate than the general population.

To arrive at its figures, Nielsen matched purchase behavior of its Homescan panel to avid podcast fans, defined as households containing someone very interested (top-2 box score on a 7-point scale) in a certain genre of podcast. It then looked at those specific podcast genres, listing out the top-indexing spending categories among avid fans (meaning the categories in which they spend the most annually relative to the general population).

Avid podcast fans like to drink alcohol! Beer (2) or Liquor (7) emerged as the top-indexing category for avid fans of 9 of the 14 podcast genres. Additionally, either Beer, Liquor or Wine appeared as one of the top-5 indexing categories in 12 of the 14 genres.  Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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