Mobile vs. Desktop Audiences [CHART]

Chart: Mobile vs Desktop Audiences

Website visits are plateauing in the US – and the battle for visitors is increasingly being fought on smartphones. But despite mobile devices capturing the majority of digital minutes, the US still features more desktop than mobile unique visitors, according to a report from comScore.

The Global Digital Future in Focus report examined audiences across 13 key markets. As part of the analysis, mobile unique visitors were compared to desktop unique visitors as of December 2017.

Within the US, mobile unique visitors totaled 90% of desktop unique visitors, making it one of only 5 of the 13 markets where the mobile audience was smaller than the desktop audience.

By contrast, the mobile audience in India is almost 4 times larger than the desktop audience, while in Indonesia it’s about 2.5 times larger.

Notably, the mobile audiences in those markets are largely unduplicated with desktop audiences, meaning that they’re largely an exclusive mobile audience. Read the rest at

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