Mobile Share Of eCommerce Spending By Category [CHART]

Chart: Mobile Share of eCommerce Spending by Category

Mobile commerce has grown to represent 23% of all digital commerce dollars in the US in Q3 2017, reveals comScore in its latest State of the Online Retail Economy report. That’s up from 20% share in the year-earlier period, as mobile commerce growth (+40% year-over-year) continues to far outpace desktop e-commerce spending increases (+17%).

Each of the top 10 online retailers by digital audience sees a majority of its audience visiting on mobile devices, per the report. However, that advantage doesn’t necessarily translate to actual spending: mobile’s 23% share of total e-commerce dollars pales in comparison to its 62% share of retail digital media time.

The well-known “conversion gap” between mobile devices (smartphones in particular) and desktops means that a desktop visit is worth almost 4 times more to retailers than a smartphone visit, according to Adobe Digital Insights. Read the rest at

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