Amazon Echo Deal Queries [CHART]

Chart: Amazon Echo Deal Queries

Smart Speakers are already having an impact on commerce. Almost one-third of owners say they’re spending more on Amazon and Google since getting their Smart Speaker, according to a new study [PDF] from Edison Research and NPR. Moreover, well over half (57%) have ordered an item through their Smart Speaker, with some having spent upwards of $200 on their purchase. (That’s a far higher estimate than found in an earlier comScore survey, which indicated that just 1 in 10 Smart Speaker owners were using them to order products.)

Spending using Smart Speakers is fairly conservative for now, according to this latest study. Among those who have ordered an item using their device, the vast majority spent less than $200. That includes close to two-thirds who said the most they’ve spent on a purchase is under $100.

Interestingly, some Alexa owners have asked it what it’s deals are – though rarely has that resulted in a purchase. Some 28% of Alexa owners reported having asked the question, “Alexa, what are your deals?” But only 4% overall made a purchase following that question. In other words, 1 in every 7 people who asked Alexa about its deals made a purchase as a result. Read the rest at

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