Email Type For C-Suite B2B Lead Generation Form Conversions [CHART]

Chart: Personal v Business Email for B2B Lead Generation Forms

How often do executives submit personal rather than business emails when completing forms for content downloads? A new report from NetLine Corporation, in partnership with MarketingSherpa, delves into that question based on an analysis of more than 7 million for completions in the NetLine network from March 2016 through February 2017.

The study reveals that in several cases, executives are more likely to input their personal than business email addresses.

That’s potentially a benefit for marketers, as personal emails are more likely to survive the test of time. Recent research from Salesforce and LinkedIn, for example, demonstrates that the average annual churn rate for any single B2B persona is 17%. As such, business emails seem more likely to churn than personal emails.

While the NetLine and MarketingSherpa report delves into personal vs. business email comparisons across various job titles and company sizes, for the purposes of this article we’ll look at higher-level executive titles at enterprise-level organizations (1,000-4,999 and 5,000+ employees), as those are often the targets for B2B marketers. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
