Content Types That Drive B2B Leads & Generate Revenue [CHART]

Chart: B2B Lead Revenue-Generating Content Types

Delivering quality leads is a more important objective for B2B marketers in the US than driving more leads – but it’s also a bigger challenge. That’s according to DemandWave’s 6th annual State of B2B Digital Marketing Report, which examines the channels, content types and social platforms that B2B marketers are using to generate leads.

Blogs and videos top the list of content types produced by US B2B marketers, each being used by 82% of respondents. That’s generally in line with previous research, which has also found blogs and videos to be the top content types(though videos in that case were less popular than blogs).

Beyond those top content types, a majority of B2B marketers surveyed also reported producing white papers (73%), case studies (68%), infographics (68%) and webinars (60%).

As for lead generation, though, white papers (53%) and webinars (50%) emerged as the top content types, with blogs (39%) and videos (35%) not quite as high. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
