Most Popular Messaging Apps [CHART]

Chart: Most Popular Messaging App

The US differs from some European countries when it comes to the popularity of various messaging apps, according to new survey results from MetrixLab. Based on a survey of more than 4,000 smartphone users in the US, UK, France and Netherlands, the study indicates that WhatsApp is less popular in US than in Europe, while Snapchat has more popularity stateside.

Specifically, just 31% of respondents in the US reported having installed WhatsApp on their smartphone, about half the 4-country average of 61%. By contrast, 27% of smartphone users in the US have installed Snapchat, a rate 50% higher than the multi-country average (18%).

Those results are largely supported by recent research from the Mobile Ecosystem Forum, in which the US drastically trailed the global average in WhatsApp preference, but was ahead in favoring Snapchat. Read the rest at

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