Top AI Applications At Companies [CHART]

Chart: Top AI Application At Companies

Narrative Science found that 58% of US business executives polled were already using AI—particularly in conjunction with big data technologies. Of those, nearly one-third (32%) said voice recognition and voice response solutions were the AI technologies they used most. The study showed that organizations also used AI for machine learning (24%) and as virtual personal assistants (15%). Smaller percentages cited decision support systems, automated written reporting and communications, analytics-focused applications and robotics.

Businesses in all industries are also making choices about how they will acquire AI technologies. For example, a January 2016 survey of global executives in the financial industry by Euromoney Institutional Investor Thought Leadership found that 42% of respondents said their organization used internal R&D to develop its AI/machine learning capabilities. Other ways included employing consultants and research firms, participating in innovation hubs and incubators, partnering with other businesses and/or academia, crowdsourcing and joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions.  Read the rest at eMarketer.

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