US B2B eCommerce Sales, 2014-2020 [TABLE]

US B2B eCommerce Sales, 2014-2020 [TABLE]

The B2B ecommerce market is growing, but it’s only in its infancy. According to a June 2015 survey of US B2B companies from Accenture and Blackstone Group, 86% offered an online website as a purchasing channel to B2B buyers, as explored in a new eMarketer report, “B2B Ecommerce 2016: Working Toward a Seamless Customer Experience.”

A February 2015 forecast from Frost & Sullivan expects total B2B ecommerce sales worldwide will reach $6.7 trillion by 2020, accounting for 27% of all B2B sales.

A Forrester Research forecast from June 2015 anticipates US B2B ecommerce sales will reach $855 billion in 2016, totaling 9.9% of all B2B transactions. By 2020, total B2B ecommerce sales in the US are predicted to surpass $1.1 trillion, making up more than 12% of total B2B sales. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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