Multitainment Behavior By Generation [CHART]

Multitainment Behavior By Generation [CHART]

More than 9 in 10 US consumers aged 14 and older say they typically multitask while watching TV, up from about 8 in 10 just 3 years earlier, reports Deloitte in its latest annual Digital Democracy survey. While multitasking is most common – and almost ubiquitous – among younger age groups, it’s also widespread among older generations, as more than 5 in 6 Baby Boomers and Matures report engaging in other activities while watching TV.

However, those older generations estimate only engaging in one other activity while watching TV, while teens and Millennials average 4 other activities. Interestingly, this doesn’t seem to negatively affect the probability of these younger groups engaging in activities related to the program they’re watching: roughly one-third of multitasking activities for 19-32-year-olds are directly related to the program they are watching, compared to less than 20% of the activities for the older generations. Overall, about one-quarter (24%) of multitasking is estimated to be directly related to the program being viewed. Read the rest at

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