Top 15 Factors Driving Consumer Satisfaction [CHART]

Top 15 Factors Driving Consumer Satisfaction [CHART]Value, customer service, product quality and trust are among the core drivers of US consumers’ satisfaction with companies, per results from Accenture Strategy’s latest annual Global Consumer Pulse Survey. These are also attributes that consumers around the world feel are important for brands to embody, per recent research, and appear to be more important than product selection and personalized experiences.

The appearance of high-quality customer service near the top of the list of satisfaction drivers is not surprising given other research into poor service’s impact on switching behavior. In this latest Accenture research, 52% of US respondents reported having switched providers in at least one of the 12 industries measured due to poor service, with that figure consistent with prior years. Customers were once again most likely to have switched retailers (27%), followed by cable/satellite TV service providers (13%) and banks (10%). Read the rest at

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