Traditional Media Consumption By Generation [CHART]

Traditional Media Consumption By Generation [CHART]

Among online US adults, Baby Boomers (46-65) spend almost twice as much time on a daily basis with TV, radio and print as do Millennials (16-3) per newly-released data from a TNS study. In fact, while Baby Boomers report spending more than double the time with TV (3.4 hours per day) as with TV and video online (1.3 hours), Millennial estimate spending more time with digital than offline TV (2.7 vs. 1.9 hours per day).

For comparison, Nielsen figures suggest that while youth watch substantially less traditional TV than their older counterparts, traditional TV viewing among Millennials is in excess of 2 hours per day, surpassing 3 hours per day for the 25-34 demographic. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

Source: TNS

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