B2B Customer Loyalty [CHART]

B2B Customer Loyalty [CHART]

Transparent prices and product details most influence enterprise B2B decision-makers’ willingness to buy again from a supplier for work-related purchases, according to results from a study [PDF] commissioned by Accenture and hybris and conducted by Forrester Consulting. Interestingly, the supplier’s omni-channel capabilities emerge as a far lesser reason for repeat purchasing, despite vendors’ belief that their customers have expectations for a consistent omni-channel experience.

As part of the study, more than 1,300 business decision-makers around the world from companies with more than 1,000 employees were asked to rank the 5 most important factors (of 7 listed) influencing their willingness to buy again from a supplier. Transparent pricing and product details emerged as the top-ranked factor for a leading 19% of respondents, and was a top-5 factor for 53% of respondents. Interestingly, excellent customer service and post-purchase support was only the top-ranked factor for 7% of respondents, although 53% placed it within their top 5. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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