US Companies Using Twitter & Instagram For Marketing, 2013-2017 [CHART]

US Companies Using Twitter & Instagram For Marketing, 2013-2017 [CHART]

Social network marketing has reached a saturation point, with 88.2% of US companies using at least one of the major platforms this year. But that doesn’t mean growth is stagnating for all social venues, according to a new eMarketer forecast. In particular, marketers are rapidly embracing Instagram (included in the forecast for the first time), signaling that they are intent on diversifying their social media marketing beyond the more established platforms.

Facebook, a mature platform within the social space, is similarly saturated among marketers. In 2015, 84.7% of US companies with 100 employees or more will use Facebook for marketing activities, rising to 85.3% in 2016 and 85.8% in 2017.

As Instagram attracts marketers new to the platform, marketer usage of Twitter is plateauing. The number of US companies using Twitter for marketing purposes will continue to grow, but penetration will increase by just 1.4 percentage points between 2015 and 2017. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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