Marketing Email Click Share By Industry, Q2 2015 [TABLE]

Marketing Email Click Share By Industry, Q2 2015 [TABLE]

On average, 62% of clicks happened on the desktop—14 percentage points ahead of the desktop share of opens. Mobile phones, meanwhile, got just 30% of clicks, as opposed to 40% of opens. For every single industry, the desktop was the biggest source of email clicks.

For B2Bs, a whopping 81% of clicks still came from the desktop. Business products and services firms reported a mobile phone click share less than half the overall average, at 13%.

Publishers and consumers products and services firms also had higher-than-average click shares on the desktop, and lower-than-average shares, along with travel firms, on mobile phones. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
