Communication Devices Used By LGBT By Generation, May 2015 [TABLE]

Communication Devices Used By LGBT By Generation, May 2015 [TABLE]

Age has a significant effect on how LGBT internet users behave when it comes to communication channels and devices—both digital and traditional—according to May 2015 research. While many are tech-savvy, adults in the baby boomer demographic still typically do less with digital.

According to polling by Community Marketing Inc. (CMI), LGBT millennials and Gen Xers, whether they were male or female, were more likely than their boomer counterparts to have a mobile phone, to engage in text messaging, to have a laptop at home, and to use internet phone services like Skype.

Boomers, by contrast, were more apt to have home desktop computers, to pay bills via mail, and to still have a landline telephone. LGBT boomers clearly do plenty of digital media activities—after all, more than nine in 10 have mobile phones, and nearly as many use SMS—but they also still have a foot in a more traditional world. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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