B2B Lead Flow Obstacles, July 2015 [CHART]

B2B Lead Flow Obstacles, July 2015 [CHART]

Just 15% of senior marketers in North America consider their demand generation strategies to be highly (2%) or very (13%) effective, being instead more likely to perceive them as moderately effective (29%) or someplace in the middle (32%), according to a report from The CMO Council and Netline. One of the key problems appears to be a conflict between content strategies that lack targeting and the definition of a high-quality lead that requires more intentional engagement on the prospect’s part.

The top ways that marketers surveyed define a high-quality lead are:

  • Detailed request for contact initiated by the prospect, including specific details around what products, services or solutions the prospect is interested in (43%); and
  • Prospect that is immediately positioned to purchase (36%).

Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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