Importance Of Social Network Profiles For Careers, May 2015 [CHART]

Importance Of Social Network Profiles For Careers, May 2015 [CHART]

Social has a position in the workplace after the job search ends. Based on recent research, social media plays a role throughout US professionals’ careers—and it can be both positive and negative.

May 2015 polling by Scredible looked at internet users ages 20 to 45 who were fully employed. Among respondents from the US, 54% said social network profiles would be important to their careers in the next five years. In comparison, 26% said the opposite. US respondents were far more convinced of social’s importance than those in the UK, among whom 39% said social network profiles would be important to their careers in the next five years, vs. 41% who disagreed.

Business-to-business salespeople aren’t the only ones who can leverage social to excel. When a May 2015 study by Allstate Corporation and National Journal asked US adult consumers about the importance of mastering social media for having a successful career, 68% said it was somewhat (38%) or very (30%) important, vs. 13% who said it wasn’t important at all. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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