Benefits Of B2B Marketing Automation, April 2015 [CHART]

Benefits Of B2B Marketing Automation, April 2015 [CHART]

Other research by Regalix conducted in March 2015 supports automation’s critical role in the leads process. When asked about the changes in contemporary lead conversion techniques, 59% of B2B marketers worldwide cited a strong dependence on marketing automation tools—the highest response.

Further results from the April study indicated that B2Bs’ marketing automation objectives were being met. When respondents ranked the benefits of such technology, four of the top five related to leads. Increased lead generation was No. 1, at 84%. Better prospect and lead insight (73%) followed, tying an increase in efficiency, as automation frees up time spent conducting tasks manually. Enhanced lead scoring, nurturing and distribution (71%) and improved lead quality (69%) rounded out the top five, the latter tying integration with other data sources (69%). Read the rest at eMarketer.

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