Email Marketing Open Share By Device & Industry, Q1 2015 [TABLE]

Email Marketing Open Share By Device & Industry, Q1 2015 [TABLE]

If they want their emails to make a good first impression, consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands must ensure such campaigns are mobile-optimized. When Experian Marketing Services analyzed emails sent by its consumer products and services clients in North America in Q1 2015, it found that 43% were opened on mobile phones and ereaders—equal to that on desktop. When one takes tablets into account, mobile devices accounted for 57% of total industry email opens—above the overall average of 51%.

Further results highlighted the importance of responsive email design. Post-open, recipients were still more likely to click once they got to a desktop. The larger-screen devices accounted for 60% of clicks on emails sent by the consumer products and services industry in Q1 2015, vs. 40% for mobile (31% on smartphones and ereaders, and 9% on tablets). Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
