Frequency Of Prestige Brand Instagram Posts & Engagement, Q4 2013-Q4 2014 [TABLE]

Frequency Of Prestige Brand Instagram Posts & Engagement, Q4 2013-Q4 2014 [TABLE]

Instagram presents brands with an audience that’s enthusiastic about engagement. According to Yesmail, brands on the social network saw their number of followers grow 278% on average last year—more than any of the other platforms studied.

However, brands taking advantage of Instagram’s eager audience shouldn’t overwhelm followers with too many posts, as data released in March 2015 by L2 Think Tank suggests quality matters more than quantity. Brands tracked by the source worldwide shared an average of 121 posts during Q4 2014 and saw an engagement rate of 1.03%—the lowest last year. Meanwhile, Q1 2014 had the lowest average number of posts, at 110, but boasted the highest engagement rate, at 1.15%.  Read the rest at eMarketer.

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