Growth In Mobile App Sessions By Device Type, January 2015 [CHART]

Growth In Mobile App Sessions By Device Type, January 2015 [CHART]

Following strong holiday season growth, phablets continued to shine in January 2015. According to recent data from Flurry, global mobile app sessions on such devices rose nearly 150% year over year that month. In comparison, average growth for the mobile industry as a whole was 78%.

Of course, this growth makes sense when one considers the larger screen sizes of some of the latest smartphone releases from popular brands—the iPhone 6 Plus and Samsung Galaxy Note 4, for example. In comparison, medium phones such as the older iPhone 4 or 5 saw mobile app usage rise just 38% year over year in January. Likely due to their overall similarities with phablets but lack of one key feature—the ability to make phone calls—small tablets saw low growth of 14%. Small phones and full-size tablets suffered most, with mobile app usage falling at respective rates of 16% and 20%. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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