Health Technologies That Interest Millennials, January 2015 [CHART]

Health Technologies That Interest Millennials, January 2015 [CHART]

Tech-savvy Millennials are set to reshape health management, based on a January 2015 study by Harris Poll for, which found that US 18- to 34-year-olds wanted to use various digital methods throughout the healthcare experience.

For starters, Millennials revealed that the internet played a role in managing doctor appointments long before stepping into the waiting room. More than three-quarters cited online reviews from other patients as a criterion when selecting a doctor, and 74% looked for the opportunity to make the entire appointment process easier, valuing the ability to book and pay bills online.

After choosing a physician, Millennials want to use a plethora of health technologies. Nearly three-quarters were interested in having their doctors use mobile devices during appointments to share info—allowing for easy, on-the-go access later—and over seven in 10 were interested in managing their well-being, reviewing health records and scheduling appointments through doctor-provided apps. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
