Influence Of YouTube vs TV/Movie Stars, November 2014 [CHART]

Influence Of YouTube vs TV/Movie Stars, November 2014 [CHART]

Are TV and movie stars losing their cool factor among teens? Based on recent research, there’s at least one group that’s more popular: YouTubers—people who regularly create videos on YouTube. Among US teen internet users polled in November 2014 by Defy Media, 54% followed YouTubers on social platforms. Meanwhile, 42% said the same about TV and movie stars—far lower than the young millennials polled, who were more likely to follow TV and movie celebs.

YouTubers also had a much bigger influence on purchase intent among teens, as 63% said they would try a product or brand suggested by a YouTuber. In comparison, fewer than half of respondents said the same about recommendations from a TV or movie star.

A closer look at opinions about these stars revealed significant differences in teens’ feelings toward both. Fully 34% said they respected YouTubers, and the same percentage said YouTubers were people they’d like to be. In comparison, around one-quarter said the same about TV and movie stars. An even larger divide came about when asked about how relatable each group was: 41% of teens said YouTubers did the things they wanted to do, vs. just 15% who said the same about TV and movie stars. Interestingly, teens were almost equally as likely to look up to TV and movie stars (30%) as they were YouTubers (32%). Read the rest at eMarketer.

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