Best & Worst Customer Experience Ratings By Industry & Company, March 2015 [TABLE]

Best & Worst Customer Experience Ratings By Industry & Company, March 2015 [TABLE]

Publix enjoys the best customer experience rating of 293 companies measured by the Temkin Group, narrowly supplanting last year’s leader, H-E-B. Indeed, supermarkets occupied 5 of the top 12 positions this year, with retailers and fast food chains also well-represented. Those industries – plus parcel delivery services and banks – comprised the only 5 of 20 measured to average a “good” rating. Meanwhile, on the other end of the spectrum, Coventry Health Care had the worst customer experience rating, as it did last year. Internet service providers, TV service providers and health plans each received “poor” ratings on average.

Overall, 37% of companies rated this year (excluding utilities, which were a new addition) had an excellent (5%) or good (32%) rating. That’s virtually unchanged from the past 2 years. Source: Temkin Group

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