Marketers' Plans For Improving The Customer Experience, January 2015 [CHART]

Marketers' Plans For Improving The Customer Experience, January 2015 [CHART]

Consumers won’t accept anything besides a good customer experience from start to finish, and marketers continue to cater to such demands by working at improving the customer experience. In a January 2015 study by Econsultancy in association with Adobe, client-side marketers worldwide ranked the customer experience as the single most exciting opportunity in 2015, at 22%.

Personalization is the name of the game this year, and respondents were most likely to improve the customer experience by making it as personalized and relevant as possible, cited by 33%. Beyond tailored efforts, marketers wanted to add value. Nearly three in 10 planned to focus primarily on making the customer experience as valuable as possible. Despite emphasis on data collection and cross-channel marketing, just 12% of respondents were focused on making the customer experience as consistent as possible across channels. Safety, fun, speed and mobile efforts were even less important. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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