Marketing Spend As Percentage Of Revenues, 2012-2015 [TABLE]

Marketing Spend As Percentage Of Revenues, 2012-2015 [TABLE]

Despite their positive outlook for increased marketing budgets this year, B2B marketers trail their business-to-consumer (B2C) counterparts in total marketing budget, according to a February 2015 study by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, commissioned by the American Marketing Association and McKinsey & Company, which found that B2B services and product marketers in the US each expected marketing budgets to increase just over 9% this year. Services marketers reported that their marketing spend as a percentage of company revenues was 8.6%, and B2B product marketers put this figure at an even lower 7.4%. Meanwhile, B2C product marketing budgets represented 9.1% of marketing spend as a percentage of firm revenues, and B2C services led the pack, at 9.3%.

ITSMA found that plenty of B2B marketers could look beyond their own budgets though. Just under eight in 10 said they had access to additional money and funds outside of the official marketing budget, vs. just 21% who didn’t have this luxury. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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