2015 B2B Marketing Budget Allocations [CHART]

2015 B2B Marketing Budget Allocations [CHART]

Nearly half of business-to-business (B2B) marketers worldwide expect their marketing budgets to increase this year, while just 17% say they’ll decrease. That’s according to ITSMA polling conducted in February 2015, which found that overall, budgets were expected to increase 4.4%.

Where will B2Bs spend those dollars? Employees were the biggest expense, grabbing 42% of services marketing budgets. Marketing programs and campaigns were expected to take in the biggest chunk of marketing-focused dollars, with 28% allocated to such efforts. Despite the emphasis on content marketing this year, content development was expected to account for just 15%.

ITSMA found that 55% of marketing program and campaign dollars would go to offline marketing, while 45% would focus on digital. However, January 2015 polling by Regalix found that the majority (52%) of B2B marketers in North America expected to put more than half of their overall marketing budgets toward digital this year, vs. just 36% who did so in 2014. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
