SMBs' Satisfaction With Volume Of New Clients Gained Online, November 2014 [CHART]

SMBs' Satisfaction With Volume Of New Clients Gained Online, November 2014 [CHART]

Small businesses need to stay on top of digital if they want to keep clients—and themselves—happy. According to November 2014 polling by vCita, just 30.8% of small-business owners (SBOs) in North America were satisfied with the volume of new clients they got online. In comparison, 45.9% said this needed improvement, and 16.4% weren’t satisfied at all.

Despite the plurality of unhappy respondents, most were getting clients online—just 6.9% said they got almost none there, and further results highlighted the importance of websites in particular. While half of new clients typically contacted SBOs via websites—lower than the 72.3% who cited email and 64.2% who cited the phone—site engagement was frequent. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
