Baby Boomers’ Spending Trends, February 2014 [TABLE]

Baby Boomers’ Spending Trends, February 2014 [TABLE]

Baby Boomers on the whole report spending more than they were a year ago, according to recently-released survey results from Gallup, although that’s not the case for all Boomers. Indeed, while leading-edge Boomers (born 1946-1955) are more likely to report spending more (40%) than less (21%), trailing-edge Boomers (born 1956-1964) are actually more likely to say they’re spending less (30%) than more (36%). When it comes to the various categories identified, Gallup notes that net spending changes are negative for discretionary categories such as travel and consumer electronics, while positive for non-discretionary categories such as groceries and utilities. Source: Gallup

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