US Snapchat Users By Age, Q3 2014 [CHART]

US Snapchat Users By Age, Q3 2014 [CHART]

Many marketers have been slow to jump on the Snapchat bandwagon, no doubt due in part to the platform’s small audience—Frank N. Magid Associates put penetration among those ages 13 to 64 at 18% in 2014, and Cowen reported an even lower 11%.

Even among millennials, penetration has a way to go. According to Q3 2014 data from GlobalWebIndex, 22% of 16-to-24-year-old US internet users had accessed Snapchat within the past month via any device, and Harvard University Institute of Politics found penetration among US millennial internet users—ages 18 to 29—of 28%. However, for those looking for new ways to catch the attention of this consumer group, Snapchat could present a window of opportunity. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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