Smart Device Ownership In US, December 2014 [CHART]

Smart Device Ownership In US, December 2014 [CHART]

And according to a December 2014 study conducted by Ipsos MORI for TRUSTe, more than one-third (35%) of US internet users own at least one smart device other than a smartphone.

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Respondents were most likely to have a smart TV, owned by one-fifth. In-car navigation systems were the second most popular, though just 12% had one. Ownership rates were low beyond these two devices. For example, just 5% of smartphone owners also had fitness trackers, an early wearable device type.

Privacy concerns abound about the smart-device market. More than one-quarter (27%) of smart-device non-users didn’t have one because of concerns about the security or privacy of data collected, and only 20% thought the benefits of such devices outweighed any privacy concerns about personal info. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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