Health-Related Online Activities By Generation, February 2014 [TABLE]

Health-Related Online Activities By Generation, February 2014 [TABLE]

Gen Xers show hybrid online-offline media behaviors when evaluating health-related sources. Particular online favorites include search engines, medical information sites, rating and review sites, blogs, social networks, display ads, email, digital video outlets and other online communities and support forums. Offline, they look to their healthcare providers, TV, print media and direct mail.

Members of this generation are prolific and thorough searchers, turning first to Google and other search engines for all types of health and medical inquiries. They also read and write blogs and seek ratings and reviews for products and services information.

In a February 2014 study, Catalyst Healthcare Research found that 79% of Gen Xers used the internet to find information about medical conditions or drugs. These numbers were much higher because this study asked about behavior in the two years prior to the study. Gen X’s use outpaced Gen Y’s, likely because fewer members of the healthier, younger generation were seeking this type of medical information. Gen X overindexed the total population in its use of the internet to find information about doctors and in visits to websites to request prescription refills. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
