Costs-Per-Lead Trends, October 2014 [CHART]

Costs-Per-Lead Trends, October 2014 [CHART]

A slim majority of marketers and salespeople from around the world say that their lead generation effectiveness is improving, while just 1 in 10 see it worsening, finds Ascend2 and its Research Partners in a new study. While that may be the case, respondents (chiefly B2B-focused) were more likely to say that their costs-per-lead are increasing (25%) than decreasing (19%).

Data quality appears to be a significant problem area in the report. In a worrisome juxtaposition, improving marketing data ranked last on the list of important lead generation objectives, even though lack of quality data and list resources tied with the lack of an effective strategy as the most challenging obstacle to lead generation success. Slightly fewer said that inadequate marketing budgets are most challenging. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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